Test your knowledge of Shakespeare's plays with our quick quiz

Test your knowledge of Shakespeare's plays with our quick quiz

Welcome to the quiz that tests your knowledge of Shakespeare's plays!

In celebration of Shakespeare day (April 23rd), we have made this quick quiz to see how well you have paid attention to some of his most popular plays. Prepare to recall the rich tapestry of William Shakespeare's timeless works, where love, ambition, betrayal, and tragedy intertwine to captivate audiences for centuries. Read each question, choose from the answers and check if you're right by clicking on the box.

b) Macbeth

c) Flesh

a) It is turned into an ass's head

c) Othello

a) Montague

c) The Witches of Windsor

c) By pouring poison into his ear

b) Titus Andronicus

c) Love’s Labour’s Lost

b) 3


So, how did you do? If you got 10/10, well done! If not, there's always time to enjoy reading through some Shakespeare.

Why not celebrate one of Shakespeare's timeless quotes and share his wisdom with one of our shirts! Can you guess whih play each quote is from



Happy Shakespeare Day!

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